Thursday, July 30, 2009

20K house

20K house
Originally uploaded by pinch.jdoes

The Rural Studio at Auburn in Alabama is developing a prototype for a house that costs $10K in materials and $10K in labor. I'm so excited about these houses, because they may make housing more of a possibility for low-income people. Including me!

This is a video from Public Radio's Speaking of Faith program on one of the 20K houses. Actually it ended up being a 32K duplex for a man and his brother:

Monday, May 18, 2009

23 Things


I'm really happy to be reinforcing some things about technology that I already know, as well as learning completely new things through this course.

It was fun to create a blog with a different blog creation site than I had used before. I actually had a terrible experience trying to access a group blog on Blogger in the past and totally gave up. Creating this Blogger blog was really simple, so I'm glad to no longer have a bad attitude about Blogger. I may now consider using it if I have the need.

Jude Vachon, CLP Main

Cheese is Good, Though Not Good for You